Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here's the Part Where We Dance

You know how one day, you're driving in your car listening to Lite Favorites from the 70s and you hear a song you've heard a gazillion times but never really paid attention to, when suddenly it hits you -- you are listening to THE BEST SONG EVER and why didn't you realize its genius earlier? And you turn up the volume and roll down the windows and bust out some sweet moves in the bucketseat and sing at the top of your lungs and that song is never the same again?

Yeah. I love those moments, too.

Life is good.

Kick it, The Emotions.


  1. Damn! That song is hot! I can totally see you in your car with the windows rolled down. Great song.

  2. Oh, snap. I think we're going to have to have a car-dance-battle.
