Friday, August 21, 2009

A Call to (No) Arms

Who has time for sleeves?

Who needs an entire shirt?

Who doesn't love the luxurious feel of polyester wound tightly about one's neck?

Attention, world! The time has come. Let's champion the return of the dickie. You can't deny it; they look fierce. And doesn't it give you a secret little thrill to fool others into thinking you're wearing an actual shirt when you have instead "pulled the dickie over their eyes"?

Lazy people unite. Bring Back the Dickie!

Main Entry: dick·ey
1 : a. a small fabric insert worn in the '70s by people who found it far too much work to put their arms into those meddlesome things called sleeves.

Next up? The Momentous Comeback of the Gaucho.


  1. LMAO !! I'll wear it !! and those crazy shoes of the seventies to boot !! Too funny !

  2. You're on to something there, kid. Now go throw on your dickie, Earthshoes, and your best gauchos. Add a sassy little roach clip with rainbow feathers--or slide a hair pick into your back pocket--and we have a look. Smokin'.
